Monday, April 21, 2014

Cinnamon Gets a Package in the Mail

I knew it! I knew it! Earlier today we got a package in the mail and I knew it was for me. Unfortunately we had to wait to open it after my owner got back from the dentist.

All that while I wondered what it might be:

- A kitten?
- A puppy?
- A toy?
- New Food?
- Snacks?

So we just got to open my package. On the outside it said "Bully Sticks." So is that a toy? Or something to scare bullies away with?
Here I am opening MY BOX!

Slowly I opened the box and explored the note cards and three packages. IT WAS TREATS! I LOVE TREATS!

I was told I could open just one package to start with. I have to fully review each item so one at a time is the best way to do it.

So I asked for the sticks. WOW! I love the sticks. I can't wait to tell you all about them and try the other things too!
Here I am savoring the sticks. These are great. I can't wait to tell all
and try the other treats that came in the Best Bully Sticks box

Love, Cinnamon, the Happy Dog!


  1. Love the picture of you and you new treat! Too cute! :)

  2. Love the photo of you! We hope you enjoy the rest of our treats :).


Thanks for your comment. Love, Cinnamon