Sunday, March 2, 2014

Cinnamon on Crate Training

Here I am in my BOX. No one trained me to go here. It is MY CHOICE!
I was a bit bored yesterday and decided to check out new crates on the Internet. Of course the first thing I came to was an article about "Crate Training." Now that really got me going.

There is no "crate training" in my book! My crate, I call it my box, is my special place. It's my den. I LOVE to go there. Sometimes I get tired of sleeping on my cushy bed and I go inside my crate to sleep.

And you all know that when fireworks go off, my box is where I go. 

NOBODY TRAINS CINNAMON! I learn, but I am not trained. That's why I took offense to the term "crate training."

So why do I like my box? It is my natural instinct to want to cuddle up in an enclosed space. It's my den. I feel safe there. My owner learned this about me. (We both learn about each other). And when she learned that, she realized that there are times when she can latch the door shut and I won't mind. I don't whine, scratch or bark. After all, it's MY BOX! When I am in my box, I curl up and go to sleep. I can sleep for hours that way.

Enough said... I'm going back to sleep!


  1. Cinnamon, I LOVE my crate too! No one has to put me in there; I go in when I need "me" time.


Thanks for your comment. Love, Cinnamon