Saturday, August 2, 2014

Experiencing Coer d'Alene Idaho: Day #1 is not so good

It was a long trip... Through the Columbia River Gorge and on through Washington. There were lots of golden fields. I saw a big truck carrying onions and one carrying corn... Nothing for dogs unfortunately.

We got to visit some rest stops and each time we stopped it got HOTTER! I really don't like the heat.

I thought it might get cooler as we approached Spokane and the pine trees but it stayed HOT!

I was glad to arrive in Coer d'Alene and double glad that the motel was air conditioned. It was 105 degrees out! I cooled off and thought I might want to go explore. We followed my map to the dog park. Although I was excited to get off the leash the park was like the Sahara desert! It was sandy and hot. I visited with a family sitting in the shade with their dogs and then asked to leave. That visit didn't last long!
Here's the dog park I tried on my first day... like the Sahara Desert!

So we went back to the hotel and cooled off.

Oh Gosh I was so hot I just spread out on the motel floor and crashed!
After dinner we went out again, it was a bit cooler. We tried the downtown dog park. It was sandy too but at least it was shady. After that we walked down to the lake. I opted out of wading because it looked deep. Some people were jumping in and swimming. So I just ate grass.
I had no interest in getting into the lake!

Idaho has lots of pine trees. Other than that, I am not sure I like it all that much. Why did we come?

Love, Cinnamon, the hot dog

1 comment:

  1. I woulda gotten in da lake, probably would helped cool ya down.


Thanks for your comment. Love, Cinnamon