Thursday, June 12, 2014

I'm Back from the Dentist - Sort of.... sort of woozy... sort of sleepy

Heres me a'ter the dental treetmunt.... wherz da door? Wherz da treets?
Where is I?
Hi everyonnneeee. Ith me Cinnamon da Coon Hound. I'm back from the dentust. I cannn't tpe gud. I think I am druggeddd. I had 2 many shots I tink. I tink I need ta sleep dis off cuz I sound like ma fruend Whitely from Texus who cannnn't tlk gud. When I wak up frm this I will tells ya abt the exterterresrial dogs and wht happeneded at da dentust.

I gots ta sleep......................................   zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I'll rite mo when I kin. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Thanks for your comment. Love, Cinnamon