Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Cinnamon Gets a Gift: What is it?

My owner came home from the coffee shop with something FOR ME! It was a gift from my friend Nancy. Nancy is the creative type so I got really excited when I saw what she gave to me. It was a BONE! No, it was a BONE SHAPED TREAT! No, it was a....... I was totally perplexed.
It didn't smell like a bone or a treat.
So I sniffed and I nosed it and finally gave up and asked... "And, what IS this?" Turns out it was a clay bone with a cute ribbon hangar. It was for MY ROOM (not that I have a room that is totally my own).
Hand made clay bone hangar

So I took it upstairs and hung it on the door. These are made by the lady who makes the cute mugs at Mon Ami Cafe. Her name is Kelly Keigwin. She even makes mugs with dogs on them!

I like getting gifts... even if I am not sure what they are! Thank you dear friend, Nancy!


  1. That is cool! I really like that! With a cat on it would sell millions (OK I'm a cat .... ;-)


  2. Cinnamon Says: "The artist makes things to order.... even CATS!"


Thanks for your comment. Love, Cinnamon