Thursday, December 29, 2016

Fireworks are NOT LEGAL in Vancouver, Washington on New Year's Eve

After I worked so hard on a fireworks ban for the City of Vancouver. And after I celebrated when the Mayor and City Council voted to approve the ban, I keep hearing that Fireworks are legal in Clark County. Well, I live in Clark County so that is so confusing.

There are some places where sales are allowed in Clark County and there are some places where setting the dratted things off on New Years Eve is allowed BUT FIREWORKS ARE NOT LEGAL IN THE CITY OF VANCOUVER.

Now I'm glad I live in Vancouver. In Vancouver you can't shoot off stuff on New Years Eve. It's against the law! So don't go shopping in Clark County and bring that horrible stuff into MY city. Why don't you stay inside and have a great little party?

Enough said,

Cinnamon the Coonhound
Executive Director
Dogs Against Fireworks

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